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Human Resources (HR) Management

We streamline onboarding for new hires and ensure precise payroll management, freeing your team to focus on core tasks and unlocking substantial cost savings. We offer dedicated HR specialists who serve as your single point of contact for all HR-related functions, ensuring efficient and personalized support. Partner with us to enhance your HR processes and productivity.

New Employee Onboarding

Payroll Processing

New Employee Onboarding

Zeztrix takes pride in assuming the responsibility for the multitude of tasks and requirements associated with new employee onboarding. When you partner with us, you can trust that we will effectively manage the entire onboarding process on your behalf – all without you having to raise a finger!

Here are some of the common tasks our HRs will take off your plate:

  • Offer Letter and Employment Agreement: Provide the new employee (W-2) or independent contractor (1099) with an offer letter that outlines the terms of employment, including salary, benefits, and any conditions of employment. Ensure that the employee signs and returns the offer letter and employment agreement if applicable.
  • Paperwork and Documentation: Collect necessary paperwork and documentation, such as tax forms (W-4), employment eligibility verification (Form I-9), and any company-specific forms or agreements. Gather basic employee information, including contact details, emergency contacts, and any required identification or certifications.
  • Background Checks: Conduct background checks and reference checks as required by company policy or legal regulations.
  • Orientation and Training: Schedule and conduct employee orientation, which may include an introduction to company culture, policies, and procedures. Provide any required training, such as safety training or HIPAA training.
  • Employee Handbook: Provide the new employee with an employee handbook that outlines company policies, procedures, and expectations. Ensure they acknowledge receipt of the handbook.
  • Performance Expectations: Discuss job expectations, goals, and performance evaluations.
  • Follow-Up: Encourage ongoing communication by inviting new employees to ask questions, provide feedback, and fostering a supportive atmosphere. Additionally, maintain regular check-ins during their early weeks and months to ensure a smooth transition and promptly address any concerns that may arise.

Payroll Processing

Payroll processing is a critical function within HR, and it involves several requirements to ensure accurate and compliant payment to employees. Here are some of the functions our experienced HRs perform for payroll processing:

  • Payroll Setup: Ensure that the new employee’s payroll information is accurately entered into the payroll system, including bank account details for direct deposit. Assist the new employee in enrolling in company benefits programs, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and any other offered benefits.
  • Time and Attendance Records: Accurately track and record employee hours worked, including regular hours, overtime, and any other relevant pay components.
  • Tax Withholding: Calculate and withhold federal, state, and local income taxes, as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes, based on employee earnings and tax elections.
  • Deductions and Benefits: Deduct employee contributions for benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and other voluntary deductions as specified in employment agreements.
  • Garnishments and Wage Attachments: Process court-ordered wage garnishments or wage attachments according to legal requirements.
  • Payroll Tax Compliance: Accurately report and remit payroll taxes to relevant tax authorities, including filing required tax forms (e.g., Form 941, Form W-2).
  • Year-End Reporting: Issue year-end statements (e.g., W-2 forms) to employees and report wage and tax information to tax agencies by specified deadlines.
  • Auditing and Reconciliation: Maintain accurate and organized payroll records, including earnings statements, tax records, and time and attendance data, for a specified period as required by law. Regularly audit and reconcile this data to identify and correct any discrepancies.

Contact us today to explore how our HR services can help you cut expenses and alleviate the administrative workload on your team.